A certificate was submitted via link in request email. What’s next?

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1. The Account Associate receives an email notifying them that a contractor submitted a Certificate.

Certify® certificate2. The link to the uploaded certificate appears at the bottom of the compliance tab. This is your cue to add policy details, effective dates and expiration dates.

Certify® link


3. Once the details have been added, the uploaded certificate disappears from the compliance page. It essentially stays on your “to-do” list until details have been added.

Adding effective and expiration dates removes the document link from the bottom of the compliance page.

Certify® compliance

Certify® compliance 2

4. The most recent certificate according to expiration date always displays at the top of the compliance tab.

Certify® compliance 3


5. Of course, all historical certificates are available for reference on the documents tab.

Certify® documents



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