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Search Criteria Explanation

This search filters through all of the contracts in CR-Insight to find contracts that meet the criteria selected.

  • Prime contracts displayed include the values and WC codes for all of their subs. The one exception is when the Included: Amount Self Performed tab is selected.
  • General Contractor contracts displayed provide only information for the amount self performed.
  • The “Included in the Last:” field defaults to the last 3 years, but this can be refined via the select box. The contract’s Start Date is used to check against the time period.
  • WC codes are filtered by their application in the Insurance Credit Estimate values (IE not the payroll).

Tabs Explanation

The categorization of the contract into each of the tabs (Prime Contract Total, Self-Performed, WC Only, and GL Only) is based on the self-performed amount for each tier of contract. To view all work associated with a contract, see the Prime Contract Total tab which will sum the amount self-performed with all of the subcontracted work under that Prime.

Note: the values for a General Contractor will always display the amount self-performed.

Each contract box is intended to give a brief but thorough overview of the contract. The first three lines of the box indicate the following as appropriate:

  • Contractor name
  • Contract Level and Wrap Up Type from the contract page
  • Contract hierarchy
  • Contract status of Bid, NA, Enrolled or Rejected
  • Contract Classification from the contract page
  • Development Type, Insurance Calculation Type, and State from the development home page
  • WC Codes applied for the contract (and the subs if this is a prime) at the insurance credit estimate
  • Start Date from contract page
  • Actual Completion Date provided the Work Complete status is True
  • “In Progress” designation if the Work Complete status is False
Tab Search Contract Value Payroll* Insurance Credit
Prime Contract Total Search yields only prime records Contract value of the prime Payroll of the prime + Payroll of all children (estimate value includes change order payroll estimate) Insurance credit of the prime + Insurance credit of all children

Estimate: <Contractor Approved Estimate. If that is not available, take the Administrator Calculation then the Enrollment Forms then the Notice of Award PLUS Change Order Credit Total
Actual: Actual: Final Insurance Cost. If that is not available, take the value from the Actual Insurance Calculator.

Self-Performed GC Contract Value of the GC Payroll of the GC (estimate value includes change order payroll estimate) Insurance Credit of the GC.

Estimate: <Contractor Approved Estimate. If that is not available, take the Administrator Calculation then the Enrollment Forms then the Notice of Award PLUS Change Order Credit Total
Actual: Actual: Final Insurance Cost. If that is not available, take the value from the Actual Insurance Calculator.

Prime Prime CV – (Direct children CV) Payroll of the prime (estimate value includes change order payroll estimate) Insurance Credit of the prime.

Estimate: <Contractor Approved Estimate. If that is not available, take the Administrator Calculation then the Enrollment Forms then the Notice of Award PLUS Change Order Credit Total
Actual: Actual: Final Insurance Cost. If that is not available, take the value from the Actual Insurance Calculator.

Subs Sub CV – (Direct children CV) Payroll of the sub (estimate value includes change order payroll estimate) Insurance Credit of the sub.

Estimate: <Contractor Approved Estimate. If that is not available, take the Administrator Calculation then the Enrollment Forms then the Notice of Award PLUS Change Order Credit Total
Actual: Actual: Final Insurance Cost. If that is not available, take the value from the Actual Insurance Calculator.

WC Only Only WC type Contracts Calculation is similar to the “Self-Performed”
GL Only Only GL type contracts Calculation is similar to the “Self-Performed”

*Estimated payroll pulls from the insurance calculator estimate. If in NY, whichever payroll field (limited or regular payroll) is not populated by the estimated calculator pulls from the corresponding field on the contract page.

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