Contract Value Explained

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The number entered in the contract value field has slightly different meanings based on the contract level selected on the scope of contract page.  The following explains the contract value associated with each contract level.

General Contractor Enter the “general conditions” amount.
General Conditions are the part of the contract handled by the GC only including the trailer/electricity/supervisor salaries, etc.
Prime Contractor Enter the full contract amount. This includes value self performed by the contractor plus all of the work that has been subcontracted
Lower Tier Subs Enter the full contract amount including both the amount self performed plus the amount of work performed by a sub contractor

How this effects calculations:

Amount Self Performed Contract Including Subcontracted Work
General Contractor Contract page Contract Value field from the General Contractor only. Sum of Contract Values from the Contract page of the General Contractor plus each of its top level Prime Contractors (IE subs immediately beneath the GC).
Prime Contractor Contract page Contract Value field for the Prime Contractor less the Contract Value of each sub one tier below. Contract Value of the Prime Contractor (this number includes any of the sub’s lower tier subs).
Lower Tier Subs Contract page Contract Value field for the Contractor less the Contract Value of each sub one tier below. Contract Value of the Sub Contractor (this number includes any of the sub’s lower tier subs).
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