If the contractor uploads the custom document, is there anything else you need to do to make sure its marked as received?

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No, you don’t have to do anything. The document automatically uploads with all the details needed to satisfy the endorsement requirement.

CR Insight® Contractor Custom Document


In keeping with the above example, what if the contractor emails you the endorsements document after they submit enrollment forms, and you need to upload it manually. Is there anything specific you need to do to make sure it is marked off as received in Insight?

YES! When uploading Other Documents manually, in order for it to be recognized as received by the system, you must do the following 2 things:

CR Insight® Contractor Custom Document 2


If rating and declaration pages are for the correct state (1), current (2), and all coverage types (3) required are provided, then rating and declaration pages are not considered missing. See below for details.

1. State: The state must match development where the enrollment requirements are set.

2. Current date means the pages are compliant for today’s date or start date, whichever is earlier

3. Appropriate Coverages: The contract’s wrap up type determines which coverages are required. Rating and Declaration Pages can be submitted multiple documents, IE separate uploads for GL and XS and WC.

  • Full wrap-up requires GL, XS and WC Rating and Declaration Pages
  • GL Only requires the GL and XS Rating and Declaration Pages
  • WC Only requires only the WC Rating and Declaration Pages

No matter how you received the rating and dec pages (uploaded by contractor during enrollment or uploaded by you), you’ll need to manually enter those details (policy type, policy period, state).

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CR Insight® Contractor Custom Document 4


Selecting the policy checkbox indicates that the Rating and Declaration Pages document contains the required information for the selected policy type. In other words, it is no longer a label. It is a compliance indicator.

Rating and Declaration Pages can be submitted multiple documents, IE separate uploads for GL and XS and WC.

What happens if a document is not compliant?
An Enrollment Document Follow-Up email is sent the insurance contact, or insurance contacts if multiple exist 2 business days after the enrollment submission, until the document is received or the emails are turned off.

A check will happen for required documents 2 business days after the enrollment submission, regardless of whether or not they were missing documents upon submission. IE the contractor could have uploaded rating and declaration pages with rates for the wrong state and within 2 business days, the account associate should have reviewed them and either marked them as compliant(so the request is not sent) or not (so a follow up is sent).

Enrollment Document Follow-Up email

Each time the email is sent, a note is added.

Enrollment Document Follow-Up email 2

Here’s what the email looks like:

Enrollment Document Follow-Up email 3


How to turn on this feature:

Enrollment Document Follow-Up email 4


Enrollment Document Follow-Up email 5


The process

  1. Send Enrollment Request
  2. Contractor submits Enrollment forms, uploading documents
  3. You review the documents, adding details to rating pages.
  4. 2 business days after the Enrollment is submitted, the system checks for compliance and send out notices. Each time an email is sent, a note is added.
  5. At some point (hopefully), those remaining outstanding documents are submitted. As this email continues to send every 2 business days, remember to review newly submitted documents and enter details ASAP. If a contractor sends rating pages 1 day after they received the first missing document email, you now have 1 day to enter them to avoid an unnecessary email from sending to that contractor.
  6. This email will continue to run till all missing documents are submitted. OR until you turn them off manually individual contract level or at the development level.

Do rating pages expire?
Once compliant, the system will not request documents again (IE when the dec pages expire).

How do multiple contracts work?
If multiple contracts exist for the same contractor, multiple emails send out unless you turn it off. If unnecessary, consider turning off the Missing Documents Follow Up at the second contract home.

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