Does it save? If so, where? Saves a copy of the email in each contract’s documents tab under category Correspondence with CIP Expiration Notice as details. Who does it…
To close a development, you must first complete the close out of each contract under the development.
Formating 101 Expiring policy numbers must be formatted to match the exact formatting that is in the system at the time of renewal. For example, if your policy number is…
Please Note: Do not hesitate to reach out for help when doing a bulk renewal for one of the scenarios described below. 2 WC policies in use, 1 GL policy…
When the contract’s wrap up type is GL Only, the available choices are the below GL Only close out letters. As with all close out letters, a copy of letter…
Original Credit/Original CV The rate is calculated by taking estimate insurance calc value divided by the self-performed original CV (as long as this is not the GC, this is the…
The contractor can view the work description in toolbox when entering payroll. Use this field to differentiate between two similar contracts.
Lets say the wrap up policy goes from January 2017-January 2018. Scenario 1: Work begins in same policy period? Enroll now. Don’s Drywall submits forms in October 2017 and indicates…
Note: Missing documents included in the below processes include rating and declaration pages and other documents requested during enrollment. Note: The below processes exclude NKLL and Certificate of Insurance. Why?…
It happened because, despite a clear warning message, someone confirmed the decision to enter information on the contract scope home page. A warning explains that this will likely cause problems….