If I have some contractors starting work a year from now, should I enroll them now or wait till they begin work on site? Benjamin, Washington, DC Benjamin, if you…

Why are engineers and consultants typically not covered by wrap-ups even though they are on the job site? – Terry from Savannah, GA Terry, the primary exposure for engineers and…

Why we have 98 percent online user compliance, when others boast of 40-50 percent A recent article posted on LinkedIn and resulting conversation got us thinking. The article boasted that…

One of the most common questions CR Solutions gets from brokers is, “How much will wrap-up insurance cost?” There are many variables that affect wrap-up insurance costs. To answer that question…

Since 2002, we’ve developed custom wrap-up software to simplify the wrap-up process. Our top-tier, proprietary technology boosts efficiency and contains costs. Interested in our software? Click here to take a demo. We…

We are pleased to announce our fifth annual CR Solutions Music Video, “We’ll Be There For You.” This year we chose to do a parody of the Friends theme song,…

Clients often come to us because CR Solutions and our wrap-up administration services have become synonymous with customer satisfaction, reliability, and industry leadership. We recently launched a You Ask. We Answer page…